
Please click here to access "XSim".

Input Project Name

Please input a project name.

Import 3D object

Please click the "Select files" tab and import a 3D object(.stl, .ast, .stla, .obj, .3ds) to the Website

Add Calcuration Area

Please click "Add shapes" tob and set the type of shape and index numbers.

*Caution* We have only tried the cube.

Edit a 3D Object and Calculation Area

Please click "Edit shapes" tab.

At first, please choose the targets which you want to edit.

Second, please choose the edit type.

Third, please click "Scaling factor" and choose "Specified value".

When you choose "Specified value", if you want to make them larger, please change the index number 1 to 10,

if you want to make them smaller, plaese change the index number 1 to 0.1.

*Caution1* We recommend that you don`t change "Sealing center".

*Caution2* The size of calculation area have to be about ten times as larege as the object.

Finally, please click apply.

Fine Mesh

Please set these values to fine your calculation area.

[Volume mesh setting]

--Target number of base meshes & Number of base meshes--

This value is target number of meshes to be fined, "Number of base meshes" is determined base on "Target number of base meshes".

--Maximum number of meshes--

When you calculate your simulation project, the value stop your PC from crashing if you set it.

*Caution* Valid value is about 100 times as much as number of members.

Chart 1

--Minimum coordinate--

The minimum point of chart 1 of mesh area(Area with white lines in the grid)

--Maximum coordinate--

The maximum point of chart 1 of mesh area(Area with white lines in the grid)

*Caution* If these value are nice round numbers, you should change them into fractions.

ex) before(1, 1, 1) --> after(1.001, 1.001, 1.001)

--Computional domain--

The area containing these coordinates is the area where the fluid is calculated.

Therefore, if these coordinates are within the target object, the calculation cannot be performed.

*advanced configuration*

[Refinement settings]

--Minimum coordinate--

The minimum point of chart 1 of the refining area

--Maximum coordinate--

The maximum point of chart 1 of the refining area

*Caution* You had better not change other values.

Set Basic Settings

--Steady & Transient--


constant fluid flowing


turbulent flow

If you want to simulate your project which the object is placed in natural world, please choose "Transient".

If you want to simulate a wind tunnel experiment, please choose "Steady".

--End time--

The total time of your project.

*Caution* You had better not change other values.

Determine Physical Property

--Property name--

Please choose the physical property whether Air or Water.

*Caution* You had better not change other values.

Set Initial Condition

You don`t have to add any options.

Set Flow Boundary Condition

Please set the wind behavior for fluid on each faces and the object surface.

**An example of setting**


Region: your object

Condition: Stationary wall


Region: XMin

Condition: Fixed flow velocity

Flow velocity: (1, 0, 0)m/s


Region: XMax

Condition: Natural inflow/outflow


Set Calculation Settings

--Parallel number--

Please check the number of your PC`s CPU threads and please input the value into this item.

*Caution* You had better not change other values.

Set Output


Please choose whether "Each specified cycles" or "Each specified time".

We recommend "Each specified time",

because if you calculated your project which was selected "Each specified time",

your PC can crash and fail your project.


If you choose "Each specified time", you can set its interval in this value.

--Other options--

Please click "Residuals", "Velocity" and "Pressure".

*Caution* You had better not change other values.

Export your project


You have to choose "OpenFOAM8" and click the "Export" button.

Save your project

If you have a Google/Twitter/Facebook account, you can save your project.

*Caution* you can only save five projects per account.


Now you are a XSim master!